So life hasn't been much fun lately...looking back for about the last year our business has been the slowest it's ever been. The "News" is no longer news just a reminder of how messed up our economy & world is. Locally here in Sarasota all people talk about is job losses, no jobs, foreclosures, up-side down mortgages, New construction at a stand still, Teachers being let go do to children moving out of state- (parents have lost job or can't find one) , you name it...and on top of it all- It has been HOT! The kind of hot - well let me give you an example... I was at Universal Studios a couple of weeks ago and the B.O. was so bad it became the normal aroma for the air I had to breath. The garbage in the dumpsters has baked like a cake and it's all you can smell- everywhere. It has seemed like Hell here due to the heat and humidity. ( Which reminds me- please pray for the people hit by Hurricane Ike-I can only imagine what they are going through) I really felt like I was experiencing a little taste of the Devils "down-under" ! Scary!
I know in these sort of situations one must surround themselves and fill there mind with positive, purposeful words and thoughts. Boy have I been reading every book I could find from the Christian Book store... Listening whole heartedly to every word my pastor preaches, praying, you name it...I was still feeling depressed. I've been suffocating. I'm not a person that has ever had this problem, but life lately had been joyless! I needed a sign...please God give me a sign that things are going to look up... I got it today! I woke up to 68 degree weather. (If there is any humidity I can't tell... ) Today is beautiful, clear blue sky, and in the 70's now- Thank You God- I needed this...
I Can Breath! There is Hope...There is always Hope!