Friday, January 23, 2009

Choice Is A Down Payment On Tomorrow

Ever been in a funk? Well it's not fun so I don't wish it on anyone... Life is throwing us some crazy stuff right now and I'm doing my best to handle it. We're to the point that all we can do is laugh and pretend it's one of those annoying movies that your just waiting to conclude so that all will come together. "Money Pit" comes to mind, "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" is another..."Fun With Dick & Jane" is just an extreme exageration but not sooo far out of the question...

Sunday at church our pastor said the reasons for the places you are in your life right now are because of THE CHOICES you've made. And I do agree with this...

He then went on to give us advise on how to make choices:

Ask yourself these (4) questions before making-

1.) Would God Bless It?

2.) Is It Redemptive?

3.) Is It Defined By Your Love for God?

4.) Does It Demonstrate God's Lordship?

I believe if these are answered affirmatively that "good" should come from our choices- I truly do.

Gosh I know I haven't asked myself these questions in all my decisions and sure wish I would have.

Yet I'm having some difficulty understanding or seeing the good in some of our situations due to our choices at this time- and did I add... I believe they were all "yes's" to these questions... I am confused- I know sometimes we can't see the great plans God has for us, but the blocks aren't stacking well in our favor right now and I need to see some "Light" and soon....

So I'm posting this so that maybe you'll keep us in your prayers...

I'm posting to publically pledge my need for God's grace...

-and I'm posting to let all my friends and family know that I love them and I apologize for not being the normal "me" for quite awhile. I was delt a lot of crap in my younger life and feel I've handled it all pretty well and kept the faith or found the faith- I feel I've always known that even though my moments have been rough there has and always will be someone going through much worse.

I am Thankful for all I've been blessed with-

My children and husband are my greatest gifts- and I would never trade them for anything- they are my "Gold Rock." They keep me sain! They bring me complete happiness...

Anyways it is my hope for myself, my family and all mankind that life gets a little easier and God shows his mercy- I'm not sure that I am as strong as I thought I was... well, maybe I'm just tired!

It's friday- and I've always loved friday's so it will be a good day...TGIF!


Megan and Jason said...

Hey Cricket! I enjoy reading your blog:o) And I appreciate what you had to say today and I will be praying for you....remember that true strength comes from knowing how weak and utterly dependent we are on Christ for everything. I am blessed by your attitude and as I said, I will be praying for you guys! Keep trusting!

Anonymous said...

I Love you, Heather

Anonymous said...

God truly blessed me with a beautiful sister and brother-in-law, I trust God will speak and guide your steps. Love you Ericka


Fun at the beach

St. Anthony's

St. Anthony's
Brooke, Aubrey & Cricket

I'm Tryin!

I'm Tryin!
You've Come Along Way Baby.

St Anthony's

St Anthony's
Go Paulser!