Okay so I'm going through something! ... At church on sunday I had an "awakening" if you will.
In some way, however, small and secret, each of us is a little mad...Everyone is lonely at the bottom and cries to be understood; but we can never entirely understand someone else, and each of us remains part stranger even to those who love us...It is the weak who are cruel; gentleness is to expected only from the strong...Those who do not know fear are not only brave, for courage is the capacity to confront what can be imagined...You can understand people better if you look at them- no matter how old or impressive they may be- as if they are children. For most of us never mature; we simply grow taller...Happiness comes only when we push our brains and hearts to the farthest reaches of which we are capable...The purpose of life is to matter- to count, to stand for something, to have it make some difference that we lived at all.
I don't think I've been doing that! I've been living in fear- The little voice inside says- "Why would anyone want to listen to an un-educated, married as a teen, little over weight, women?" -"What Have you done that has been so great?"
I guess we all have a story...we all have flaws... weaknesses...the little voice!- FEAR
So I will not let fear rule my life anymore. I will see it as a warning, like lights on a dashboard of your car, and do something to change!
Like my pastor reminded me:
I'm Out of Options= "You're a Liar"
Take Me or Leave Me= "Coward"
This is Just What Life Dealt Me= " You're a Fool"
So today I will begin to get out of this fear, I've seen the warnings- If I lose it's because I decided to lose!
Face the fear straight on - don't give up the fight until you have your life without it!
You are such an amazing individual Aunt Cricket and offer so much to me, to family, and others around you that you may not even realize.
Do not fear what you have mentioned because it's not worth it.
Un-educated in a sense of not having a college dregree (you are smarter than you think), married as a teen and (yet you are the only one who has not been through a divorce in our family), and a little over weight (you have two children and are still beautiful and active (the weight is what you see)).
Be confident in yourself and know in your heart you have so much to offer in this world and to all of us (your family).
I love you not because of your title, your looks, or any of that but because you are you...
Okay... Aubrey MUST be on a HUGE prayer mission for our family because I have had a few little broken moments and my faith in God and walk have been so on fire lately, like back in my college days!
I read this book (sent to me from my Warrior partner) called "Waking the Dead" by John Eldridge. YOU HAVE TO READ IT! he sent me the study guide too, you and mom should get it and be partners on it. It is the best book ever for a faith filled wake-up call in Christ. I love it... I can send you my copy if you want!
Never let fear control you EVER. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real...
Love you guys!
We all have fears.....It is a fallen world and the devil puts thoughts in our head....but God loves us SO much...as long as we are doing what He calls us to do, we are fulfilling His purpose for us. Don't listen to the lies that are so easy to get caught up in...He whispers words of comfort to us..."this is the way, walk in it".
When ever I come visit....I see how you love life and your family. you are blessed and you are a blessing! I always look forward to seeing EVERYONE when I come for my visits!!
Fear! Oh boy do I know that word!
I read your post and immediately thought of Peter.
In Matthew 14:22-36, Jesus walks on water to the disciples...they see Him coming and think it is a ghost...what does Jesus say? In verse 27 He says "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." Wow!
So then Peter starts walking on water until he becomes afraid again...
So I think it is time to listen to Jesus and take courage!!! With God on our side who can be against us!
Also, the book Bree mentioned is life changing if your heart is open!
And don't ever buy into the lies of satan that you don't matter. Bree tells me you guys are rock stars!
Phil. 4:13
Don't worry about college. Life is a lifelong learning process. Now with computers and the Internet, there are so many things you can study yourself at home if you are interested in it. You have chosen to focus on the development of your character, and that is a lot more important than degrees and trying to impress others. God rewards those who seek him. You have so much going for you, and you are a great blessing to your family and many people. So be encouraged.
Proud of my sister- Your amazing! Love Ericka
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