Breakfast: Omelet w/ a little cheese, onion, peppers and a little ham. 2 slices rye toast w/ a lil bit of strawberry jam. Green hot tea and water.
Lunch: 2 lettuce wraps and a cup and maybe a half of beef w/ broccoli. Water and tea.
Dinner: Bowl of chicken noodle soup./ water
Snack: Piece of dark chocolate (small), a hot coco 80z. and 3 bites of Paul's cinnamon roll.
Oh and last night I had some organic chips. after i posted.
Computer out of battery, so that's all folks.
Hey r u Cricket??? I'm Charolette!!! Char if u may?? Come to my blogg... Labled: Charolette in the making. So yea TTYL
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